Join B Natural, the Seawolf Singers, Sunday May 10th, as they perform in their second annual showcase. The event will take place in Ives 101 and the seating is first come, first serve. Admission to the show is free, but donations are greatly accepted. The performance will begin promptly at 7pm but it would be best to arrive an hour early, as the doors will open at 6pm. Last year, the room filled up very quickly, resulting in some audience members sitting on the floor. This year, the theme of the showcase is "Off the Charts," which will allow for platinum favorites and underground anthems. The showcase will include a talented MC that will have everyone laughing. There will be a raffle during intermission and some baked goods to indulge in.
B Natural is a close-knit show choir on campus that have come together because of their mutual love for singing and performing. They have worked on a variety of numbers since early in the fall semester. There will be six group numbers performed, along with many small groups, duets, and solos. As a show choir, many arrangements not only involve singing but incorporate a story or dance behind it.
This event will be perfect for all to enjoy. It would be a great way to spend time with your mother, since it will be Mother's Day and a great way to relieve the stress of finals for students. B Natural hopes to see you there!