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Save A Seawolf Alcohol Awareness Week

  • All Week- Darwin Quad (map)

Red Flag Display

Monday, October 24-Friday, October 28: All Day in Darwin Quad

This display represents the direct effects of alcohol use, abuse and misuse among college aged students around the country and right here at SSU!  We are hoping to get our community thinking about the choices they make, about intervening with friends who might be in trouble and about about SAVING OUR SEAWOLVES!

Crashed Car Display

Tuesday, October 25- Thursday, October 27: All Day in Salazar Plaza

We will have a car from an actual alcohol related accident on display in the Salazar Plaza. Surrounding the car will be messages about drinking and driving, as well as stories and picture boards about college students around the country who have died from drinking and driving. We will also have tabling at the crashed car daily with information about Save a Seawolf, Taxi vouchers, and will create another display where community members can commit to not drinking and driving.

The Wall

Tuesday, October 25: 11am-1pm and 5-7pm in Seawolf Plaza

The wall is another visual display/reminder of the affects of alcohol use, abuse, misuse.  The wall has red and yellow bricks that people can create in remembrance of their family/friends who were affected by (yellow bricks) or died as a result of (red bricks) alcohol related incidents. Please participate to honor those in your life that have been affected by alcohol.

Alcohol Awareness Week Fair

Wednesday, October 26: 11:30am-1pm in Seawolf Plaza

This fair will focus on campus and community entities that are here to support community members to learn more about their friend's or family members alcohol use, abuse, and misuse. We also will be sharing resources as well as have some giveaways for participating in various events! Look forward to beer goggle activities as well as learn about events coming up that are alternatives to drinking!  Alcohol is present in a vast majority of sexual assaults so this fair is a reminder to be safe and to look out for each intervene and Save A Seawolf!


The message of the Week......Drink OR Drive...not both.