Tuesday, October 25
Community Service Advisor and Themed Living Advisor Info Meeting | 7 PM | Cooperage 2
Have you thought about being a CSA or Themed Living Advisor on campus? If so, this is the time to attend a Residential Life Position Informational Session, and apply! View the CSA and TLA Job Descriptions at https://orgsync.com/125005/chapter. Applications will be open on October 31st at https://orgsync.com/125005/forms/213692. Hope to see you at an info meeting. Be sure to sign up for the UNIV 238 Leadership Class!
Wednesday, October 26
Seawolf Leadership Position Info Meeting | 7 PM | Student Center Ballroom C
Do you want to be a Seawolf Leader? Interested in being a Summer Orientation Leader, Peer Mentor, Interactive Theater Actor, or Summer Bridge Leader? Check out one of our information meetings for more information about these awesome opportunities or apply online at : https://orgsync.com/126316/chapter