Serving a meal in the Daily Free Meals Program is a transformative experience.Volunteers assist with everything from serving food, to bussing tables, to handing out silverware and condiments.
We will be serving lunch to the hungry in San Francisco at GLIDE. Glide works hard to feed those in need with their daily free meals program, serving over 2,100 meals a day with the help of about 60 volunteers a day, 364 days a year. ,Before you sign up keep in mind that you must be available from around 9am- 3pm, tentatively depending on traffic. Spots are very limited so contact me ASAP to sign up and before so make sure that you are available for the given times to avoid last-minute drops. To sign up email
We will leave SSU at 9:30 am and carpool in vans to the city.
Volunteers are required to wear close toed shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt to volunteer at this site.
Sign up here.