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Save a Seawolf PSA Video Contest

Create an alcohol and/or drug PSA geared towards your fellow Seawolves,

and you could win $500, $250 or $100 in Wolf Bucks!

 Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, tell us that drivers under 20 years old have the highest proportion of distraction-related fatal crashes. Another staggering stat tells us that nearly one-third of all traffic deaths also involve alcohol/drug impaired drivers.

 Help us to Save A Seawolf by creating an educational 20 second PSA to raise student awareness about alcohol and drug use, abuse, misuse, or about distracted, drugged or drunk driving!

 We know that video and social media marketing is one of the best ways to share information and reach this audience. A brief, dynamic video will help us to educate our community about an issue that is growing. Who better to create those messages than you – Seawolves!? 

 Contact for more information and the contest guidelines!

Deadline: March 8th

Earlier Event: February 18
Later Event: February 19
Advisor Appreciation Luncheon