10 Things Every College Student Should Do This Summer

This school year has almost reached the end... Which means it's officially acceptable to start thinking about summer! Here are some things that you should mark off and add to your summer checklist to help your future self. 

1. Get an Internship

Why get a summer internship? Read this blog post here. Having a summer internship can majorly boost you skills and also looks awesome on your resume. Whether the internship is paid or unpaid, the experience you will gain will help you gain first hand knowledge in the working world.

2. Adventure

Travel to a new place, try a new restaurant, or do a new activity! The key to having a successful summer is to find balance between work, school, and a social life.

3. Learn a New Skill

Learn something new that interests you! Having many skills can help to impress a future employer and help you land your dream job!

4. Read a new book

You probably had to read boring textbooks all semester, so take a break and indulge in reading that book you've been wanting to read for some time!

5. Plan for the Fall

Buying a planner can help you stay organized! Plan out your schedule for the fall semester to avoid stress and conflicts. Remember to keep your schedule balanced.

6. Work a Summer Job

It doesn't matter if you decide to lifeguard or work at a local restaurant, having work experience is key to landing a job in the future. Employers want to see you have experience working, regardless of the position. Plus, you can make some extra money!

7. Build a Resume

If you do not already have a resume, now is the time to make one! There are many templates online to help you get started. Think about experiences in which you've taken on leadership roles, demonstrated initiative, or learned a specific skill. Don't forget to proofread!

8. Take a Summer Course

Taking a summer course can help put you ahead of schedule for graduation! Contact your local junior college or state college to find a course that interests you! Make sure to verify the course will be transferred with Sonoma State. Assist.org is a helpful website in determining if the course will transfer credit to Sonoma.

9. Get letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation can be obtained through your job, internship, or even from some of your favorite teachers! This is beneficial and sometimes necessary to have.

10. Have fun! 

Don't forget to have fun and enjoy your summer! We will see you in the fall!

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