How To Get Over The Mid-Semester Blues

Midterm Season is upon us- yikes. We’ve gathered the best ways to conquer midterms and get over the mid-school year slump.

Prioritize and Reorganize

Are you finding yourself stuck with a mountain of things to do and no idea how to go about it? Making a list of everything that needs to get done for the week is a simple way to prioritize your studies. Reorganizing your planner & school items back to how they looked at the start of the semester will help you out too.

“Me Time”

Don’t forget the importance of making time for yourself! Taking time each day to do something that makes you happy will ultimately lead to a better week. Whether this is calling a loved one, reading a book, face masks or any type of hobby, you will definitely feel better after.

Refocusing On Your Studies

Take the middle of the semester as an opportunity to refocus on classes that you’ve been lacking in! Professors are here to help and stopping by their office hours will do nothing but benefit you. If you’re worried about a grade in a class, remember you still have half the semester to raise it!

Work Out

Stressed out? Take 30 minutes to an hour and go let it out at the gym! The gym is a great natural stress reliever and you will leave feeling 10x better than you entered. It is proven to boost your energy levels and this will make you feel better overall.

Study Groups

Study groups are a lifesaver during midterm season. Forming friends to study with outside of class is not only beneficial to you but to them too! If you don’t know something, someone in the group probably will! Plus, it’s a lot more fun studying with friends than by yourself.

Don’t Forget To Treat Yourself

After a long week of hard work make sure to take the time to treat yourself to something that makes you happy. Whether this is your favorite dessert, dinner place, or place to visit, it’s worth taking the time for you.

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