Why You Should Sign Up For A Winter Class
Has taking a winter class crossed your mind? Take a look below at why we think that’s a great idea.
It’s a great way to get ahead! Taking a winter class allows you to quickly finish units. This can aid in an easier schedule for the next semester. Plus, many people utilize Winter Intersession to help them graduate early!
If your major is impacted, or if you are having a hard time registering for classes, Winter Intersession usually offers those classes! This is a great idea if you are worried about falling behind or need to take a class you weren’t able to get into.
Bummed about a grade from a previous semester? Retaking a class during Winter Intersession is a great way to boost that GPA and lose the stress of past semesters.
If you know a class is going to be hard, taking it over Winter Intersession gives you the ability to give that class your undivided attention and focus! You won’t have to worry about distractions of other classes or the stress and craziness of Fall and Spring semester.