SSUTTD: Friendsgiving

Celebrating with friends is fun no matter the occasion. With the holidays just within our reach, start the fun off early with a Friendsgiving! Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we laid it all out for you!

Step 1: Create a group chat with your Seawolf pals! The more the merrier. Coordinate the details, pick a date that works for everyone and choose a location!

Step 2: Split up who is bringing which dish. Dividing up the cooking limits stress and makes it affordable! For large groups, we recommended hitting up Costco for good deals on large amounts of food.

Seawolf Tip- Check out our Youtube for some Friendsgiving recipes:

Step 3: Head to the Target or the Dollar Tree & pick up some festive decorations! Don’t forget to get some index cards & colorful markers to make name cards for the table.

Seawolf Tip: If you don’t want to deal with a messy clean-up, grab some festive plates, napkins, and utensils on your way out!

Step 4: Create a photo wall to capture the day! This way you can take lots of memorable pictures with your fellow Seawolves.

Step 5: Coordinate outfits! Go with a theme: whether that be dressing to a holiday theme or going with festive pajamas.

Step 6: Don’t forget about festive drinks! Grab some spiced apple cider from the grocery store, put it in a pot with cinnamon sticks and orange peels, heat up and enjoy the warm scent of fall!

Step 7: Enjoy Friendsgiving & the time spent with close Seawolf friends.

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