How To Tackle Finals Week

Finals week can come with feelings of stress, chaos, and major lack of sleep. Don’t fret, we have your back on this one. Check out what you can do to make your finals week flow smoothly.

Study breaks are a must. Taking little breaks every hour or so is actually better for you than working non-stop for 12 hours. 10-15 minute study breaks will have you working longer & keep you focused!

Study Breaks

Pick The Right Study Spot

Find the right study spot! Make sure you are working somewhere where you can focus. If you do well with background noise, head to a coffee shop or the second floor of the library! If you need silence, reserving a study room on the third floor of the library is the way to go.

(Try) to eat healthy! Consuming proteins aid in mood boosting and monounsaturated fats (avocados, nuts, etc..) help with memory. Water is also just as important! Staying hydrated will help you stay alert and keep your brain functioning.

Eat Healthy


Sleep! Pulling an all-nighter may sound like a good idea, but in reality, it’s important to get the right amount of sleep to function the next day. Although you may have less time to study, the studying that you will get done will be more productive than if you didn’t get any sleep at all.

Workout at the Rec! This is a great stress reliever and you’ll feel better after leaving, too. Working out is also an instant mood and energy booster. Take an hour out of your day to work off some stress!


“Me Time”

Take time to yourself! Don’t work so hard you completely burn yourself out. Make time for a hobby, favorite tv show, or any activity you enjoy doing.

Work hard Seawolves, we know you have it in you!

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