First Ever Film Club Comes To Campus

Coming Fall 2019, Sonoma State University’s first ever Film Club will be open for students to join.

This club is set to take Sonoma State to the next level in the filmmaking world; it serves as an outlet to Sonoma State in becoming more competitive and get the school’s name out and work more well known.

The majority of the work aims to focus on short film and narrative based pieces where all members can work as a cohesive group. The genres are yet to be determined and will be chosen on a project by project basis.

The Film Club provides aspiring filmmakers opportunity to create content who otherwise wouldn’t have the ability to take offered courses at school or have access to resources needed. In addition, it is a student-ran club that presents students with real professional experience working on a production from start to end.

“This club will be a great opportunity for students of any major or background in film to learn just about every aspect of filmmaking process, all while meeting and collaborating with fellow students,” said Communications major and Film Studies minor Ava Garcia.

Director of the club Ryan Harvey expressed his goals for the club are to be taken seriously and hopes that this sets a standard for others schools to look towards and strive for the same outcome. Harvey also emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts of people behind the scenes and commitment in being able to produce good quality content. 

Prior to the startup of the Film Club, Sonoma State’s only film recognition on campus is Sonoma Film Institute, where they showcase pieces of work from every spectrum of filmmaking.

Dean of Arts and Humanities Hollis Robbins pushed for this club to be created and connected with Harvey to pursue this dream. Robbins explained how even before her time at Sonoma State, she heard of students showing films at the Cannes Film Festival and was thrilled at student interest in film and filmmaking.

Not only can this group be beneficial to students interested in film, but can also provide opportunity to students in acting and musical backgrounds. There is possibility for collaboration with the Theatre department in efforts to gain possible actors, costumes and props.

“We have an excellent music department and I am hoping that our film students work with our music department to create music for films,” said Robbins.

During club meetings Harvey has laid the groundwork for what is to be expected. After establishing the preferred genre, students are to go and watch any film in that genre and when they return the following week for the discussion they will also be visited by a guest speaker that will facilitate a conversation about what is liked in the genere, the staples of it and possible challenges that could arise in making something of that genre. Members are then assigned to brainstorm ideas to collaborate.

“One of the big goals here is this is an outlet for people that love film and have a lot of experience with it but it’s also for people that want to get into it and give them more of an opportunity to learn and boost their own portfolio and get experience with different aspects of filmmaking,” said Harvey. “Hopefully through the club they become confident filmmakers in their own way.”

Although most logistics have to be sorted out still, the sights are set high for Film Club and the outcome will be even greater.

As of now there aren’t any other information meetings planned for the semester, but if interested in joining this club, contact Ryan Harvey at

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