Manage College Living with Adulting 101
September 10, 2019 Christy Chew, Staff Writer Sonoma State Star Newspaper
With the stress and excitement on a young adult’s busy life, it can become extremely useful to gain tips to help better your career, and that’s where Adulting 101: Tackling College Classes comes to lend a hand. On Wed., Sept. 11, 2019, Schultz Library will be hosting a mini workshop in Schultz 3001 from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45am in order to help students better their techniques in their college classes. This event is provided to assist students and improve their semester, by learning tips and tricks to manage the college life and find balance.
“As a freshman I wish I gained better techniques throughout my college journey, it would have made it easier and less time consuming,” said Senior Cerena Clifford.
The first of many of these mini workshops throughout the semester will be based on topics that aim to improve student’s lives and teach important lessons. Tackling College Classes will be focused on time management, academic speed-reading, and bullet journaling techniques. The Adulting 101 series is provided to give students the tools to tackle challenges they may face with the help of the University Library.
College classes can become stressful, and this workshop can manage the amount of coursework to set students up for success. Tackling College Classes is here to teach students fundamental techniques that they can carry on throughout their time here at Sonoma State University and beyond. Participants will embark on hands-on experience to gain practical skills to thrive through adulthood in a positive atmosphere.
“Librarians have conducted in-depth research on best practices for each topic and will be sharing that knowledge with participants in an interactive, engaging way,” said Outreach and Inclusion Librarian Catherine Fonseca.
Students will be participating with academically relevant activities in an engaging way outside of the classroom atmosphere. During this event, workshop leaders will guide peers through a time management activity, active tricks to make academic text reading more applicable, and a method of organized rapid note taking to make a student’s life manageable. They will not only learn from the guided workshop leaders, but can also gain some insight from fellow peers.
Adulting 101: Tackling College Classes will also be featured two other times during the semester, offering the same information, to allow students to find a session that best fits within their schedule. Students who attend will learn practices on specific topics to help benefit themselves and their peers. This series is provided to give students the tools to help guide them as they continue through school, in a fun and interactive way. This mini-workshop is geared to help students tackle topics in a proactive way, and gain outstanding benefits with those tools.
Along with other events that will be hosted at the library, Adulting 101 is here to provide students with life skills that meet various obligations. The library has also teamed up with fellow organizations like CAPS and the Career Center to offer interested learners about the topic at hand. These events will contribute to topics like self-care strategies and prepping for job interviews as the semester proceeds. These workshops will not only include entertaining activities and light refreshments, but also a chance to win a prize and gain new connections with peers.
“Practical skills and techniques are definitely important to have. Throughout my college years I learned skills that will come in handy later in life,” says Clifford.
Managing college-level work and maintaining an organized lifestyle can become difficult. The Adulting 101 series wants to assist in helping students prosper, and provide them with relevant information to take with them to new heights.
“Adulting is hard and you don’t have to go it alone. Everyone can use a refresher on the practical skills we learn,” said Fonseca.