5 Reasons YOU Should Join Fraternity and Sorority Life
Whether you are a first-year or a fourth-year, joining fraternity and sorority life is always a great option if you are looking for ways to get involved on campus. We made a list of the top 5 reasons it can help you!
Are you looking for that one friend who is down for anything from bingeing an entire Netflix series or hiking 5 miles see the sunrise? How about finding a whole squad of those "down for anything" type of people. Fraternity and sorority life is for you! An entire community and bond is built within your organization. Bonus: you get a bunch of friends to have fun with!
1. Lifelong Friends
2. Philanthropies
Each organization has a philanthropy that they support. Many organizations put on events to help raise money for their philanthropy- and have fun doing it too! Every member is apart of doing philanthropic work, and helping the community- whether that be in Sonoma County or communities all over the world!
Being apart of fraternity and sorority life brings a high chance of having people in it that have the same major as you. This is a super helpful way to form study groups and make doing homework and studying a whole lot easier.
3. Study Buddies
4. Resume Builder
Being involved on campus looks great once you graduate and are trying to snag a job. When you are apart of fraternity and sorority life, not only are you involved on campus, you also will have years of community service work done with your organization. It’s an added bonus to put on the resume and may make you stand out from others.
Even once you are gone from SSU, you leave with a family that was made in your organization. From there the connections will only build, whether that be through job connections, travel advice, new places to visit, or just a phone call to see how your doing.
Connections once you leave SSU
Make sure not to miss out- the Recruitment Process begins soon!
Check out the links for more information:
Sept. 9 for Inter-fraternity Council
Sept. 11 for Multicultural Sorority and Fraternity Council
Sept. 12 for Panhellenic