Myths About Drinking: What You Should Know

Information provided by Mo Phillips, Director of Student Involvement

Alcohol Awareness Week gives everyone the opportunity to gain new knowledge related to alcohol consumption and making smart decisions. Unfortunately, there is a lot of false information out there about alcohol abuse and misuse. The Director of Student Involvement, Mo Phillips, outlined some important drinking myths that you may have been told, but weren’t sure if they were true or not.


Myth #1: There’s Nothing Wrong with a Few Drinks

Facts to consider:

- It only takes two 4-ounce drinks before alcohol starts to impair you focus and behavior.

- For athletes, just 2-3 drinks can affect your endurance.

The more you drink, the more you lose the ability to control your actions.


Myth #2: Alcohol Is Not A Drug

Facts to consider:

- Just because its legal (for adults 21+) doesn’t mean it’s not a drug.

- Alcohol is the #1 misused drug or substance.

The term “drug” is defined as “a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.”


Myth #3: It Can’t Be A Party Without Alcohol

Facts to consider:

- “Dry” events on or off campus are actually fun!

The danger with having alcohol at your events is you can’t control when people have had too much. An ordinarily pleasant event can into something that leads to trouble. Let’s not forget to mention, there may be students who are under age at your party.


Myth #4: “I Will Fit In If I Drink”

Facts to consider:

- Drinking alcohol is not the only way to fit in in college

You are in control of your life and your body. When you decide that you will not drink alcohol, stand by your decisions, and learn to say no. To make it easier, hang out with people who don’t drink who will support your decision to abstain. It really is okay to say no to alcohol.


Myth #5: “Everyone is Doing It”

Facts to consider:

- The truth is 40% of college students drink alcohol on a regular basis.

This means more people are saying no, than there are saying yes. Not only does regular use of alcohol affect your physical health, it also impacts your thinking. Don’t let alcohol mess with your chances of completing your education.


Make a Plan: Think Before You Drink

Before you go out with friends it’s a good idea to make a plan. Plans make us much more responsible. Next time before you go out, make a plan and stick to it!


Consider asking yourself these questions:

  • Who are you going out with? Who are you meeting later on?

  • How are you going to keep track of how much you drink?

  • Do you have a plan about where you will get your drinks from 

  • What are you planning to do? Do you have details in mind before you leave your room? Where are you going? With who? 

  • Do others know your location in case they need to reach you?

  • How are you getting home? Know this before you go out. 

  • Do you have a designated driver?

  • Is there a sober friend watching out for you and others?

Small choices can lead to very strong outcomes. Keep these myths in mind to watch out for yourself and others. Next time you decide to go out and take a drink, remember to be smart, safe, and responsible.

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