Let’s All Work Together!

We are in the home stretch! With only a few weeks left in the semester, we are all faced with the stress of a busy workload to close out the school year. Normally, professors will take one of two routes… an exam or a group project. If you find yourself needing to complete a group project, but don’t know where to begin or how to connect with your peers virtually, you’ll want to keep reading. We’re here to give you everything you need to know about successfully completing a group project online!

Understand The Assignment At Hand


Before contacting your group members, it is essential that everyone has a good idea of what the project is about. Start by referring to the requirements and grading rubric. Preparing before meeting with your group will make sure that you are hitting all the key points of the project.



The whole purpose of a group project is to work together! Developing team skills will not only bring minds together, but it is a great tool to have in any future career! There is no doubt that connecting virtually with strangers can be tricky. Begin by starting a group message, email thread, or utilize the Canvas inbox to create a steady flow of communication. If needed, utilize Zoom to chat about the project all together!

Split Up The Workload


Here is where the real communication comes into play! Assigning roles and delegating parts of the project to team members may seem like a daunting task when done over the phone. One tip to tackle this beginning task is to outline the different pieces of the project that need attention. Next, have each person pick which one sounds appealing to them. Once everyone has their parts, independent work can be done!


Set Group Expectations


Along with splitting up the workload, it is a great idea to set expectations as a group. Whether it is an early due date to review the project before turning it in, or scheduling a weekly group Zoom meeting, rules hold everyone accountable. The key to a successful group project is being in agreement of everyone’s expectations!

Be Respectful And Flexible


Always remember that everyone has a different work ethic and schedule. Respect and flexibility go a long way when it comes to collaborating with others during a project. Make sure that you are being understanding to all group members and providing support when it is needed. After all, you’re all here to accomplish the same goal!


Struggling with Group Work?

Know that you’re not alone. In an online format, group work is even more difficult because meeting face-to-face can solve a lot of miscommunications and hiccups along the way. It is important to be open and honest with your group members; remember to always communicate with one another for a project to come to life! If you are seriously struggling, reach out to your professor for added help. You’ve got this!