Sharing A Space And A Special Bond: 7 Tips For Living With Roommates

Ah, roommates… The joy of having someone who’s there when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Whether you’ve lived with other Seawolves the past three years, or are transitioning from sharing a room with a younger sibling into the on campus life, this blog is for you! Living with someone new is fun, but can be challenging at times. No need to worry, we’ve got your guide to living with others, including tips for dealing with conflict and little rules to live by; who knows, your roomie may turn into your best friend at SSU!


Connections Take Effort

You just moved in, now what? Getting to know a complete stranger can be hard at first, but taking the time to form a relationship and get to know your new roomie is HUGE. Ask about their time at SSU, their friends from high school, their family, etc.. This is how connections form and friendships are made!


We’re All In This Together

Whether you’re in a house off-campus with others or are living in on of the villages at SSU, it’s important to remember to share responsibilities. Maybe your housemates agree to a chore chart or cleaning schedule? Or maybe you all agree to pick up after yourselves on a daily basis and have a cleaning session all together on designated days. Whatever it may be, figure out what works best for everyone.


Everyone Has A Bad Day 

We are all students, which means that some days are harder than others. If your roommate is in a bad mood after an exam, leave them be. If they forget to take out the trash, be the bigger person and do it for them because let’s be honest, you’d want them to do it for you if you weren’t in the best headspace.


Speak Up!

If something is bothering you DON’T keep it bottled up inside. Speak up about the issue instead of keeping it to yourself. A lot of problems can be fixed with a simple conversation with your roommates.


Is Sharing Always Caring?

Whether it’s food, bathroom products, drinks, or clothes, don’t assume that you’re living in a “what’s mine is yours” world. Be sure to ask if you need to borrow something before you do so, it’s just the polite thing to do!


Everyone Needs Alone Time Sometimes!

Living with others can be tough if you’re sharing a room and feel like you don’t have much privacy. Be sure to practice positive mental health by taking time for yourself. Go grab a coffee, take a walk, or go for a drive; we all need a little me time!



The golden rule applies here and everywhere! Some ways to be respectful towards your roommate and suitemates is to ask before inviting guests over, wearing headphones if you’re listening to music, and being courteous of others’ sleep schedules. Remember to treat others how you would like to be treated!

Be kind, check in on each other, and have fun. Roommates can make lifelong friends and the memories that you will have with one another are truly something special!

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