Still Stuck In Zoom World? Try These Tips!


After hundreds of breakout room invitations, numerous screen sharing presentations, and pressing the unmute button one too many times, it is safe to say that many of us are suffering from Zoom fatigue. It’s understandable. We have been learning virtually for over a year, despite the slow return to in-person activities on campus. If you are continuing to attend Zoom classes from your bedroom this fall semester, we are here to give you tips and reminders to power through and take care of yourself.


Hide Self-View 

All of us are stimulated by visuals. This means that staring at your own video image and others’ on Zoom can be exhausting. To help lessen distractions try to “hide self-view” so you can better focus on the professor and your classmates.


Move Around!

This may seem like a given, but it is SO important to move your body instead of being cooped up in your room all day. In between Zoom classes go for a walk, do some stretches, or even do a workout on YouTube if you have the time for it.


Make Zoom Free Days As Common As Possible 

In order to limit screen time, designate a day, or even one morning each week to not be behind your computer screen. Prioritizing Zoom free days will increase motivation and leave you feeling refreshed!


Multitasking Is Not Your Friend

We all have several tabs open during Zoom meetings. Whether you’re trying to finish an assignment with a looming deadline, researching for an essay, or online shopping, we’re all guilty of enabling distractions on our laptops! Clear out your tabs before your next Zoom class in order to really focus on the material at hand.


Change of Scenery 

Just as we moved from class to class on campus, try to do the same at home! Switching up your scenery from your bedroom, to the kitchen, to your living room, will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your daily tasks.


Reward Yourself 

You are doing amazing things and should be so proud of all of the hard work that you are putting into your classes! It is important to treat yourself every once in a while. Whether your favorite reward is getting a latte from Starbucks or taking your dog for a walk, celebrate the small victories, even if it was simply getting through the day!


When you are feeling the Zoom blues, take time for yourself and do things that make you feel happy. And remember, there are other students who are feeling the same way; connect with them as much as possible!

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