Tips For Better Sleep

As college students, we need a good night's rest to be the best student and human we can be. Ever feel like you can't fall asleep or stay asleep all night? Well, there are always plenty of resolutions and things that can help this problem, many just don't know or realize some of them. So as you read some of the tips that we collected, think about how you can implement them, or if you already do, does it work for you? The key is that these tips might all work for you, but that's okay because they will for someone else! Let's get sleepy and cozy because this is a good one!



The one we all know of and love. This is a supplement that is an easy way to improve sleep quality and fall asleep faster. Melatonin supplements are an extremely popular sleep aid and one of the best some people say. Start with a low dose to get a gauge of your tolerance and then you can increase it slowly if needed. These can be consumed in a solid pill form or a gummy form and the recommended amount is 1–5 mg around 30–60 minutes before heading to bed.



Tart Cherry Juice

Have you seen the new trend? Drinking a glass of 100% tart Cherry Juice 30-60 minutes before bed will help you fall asleep faster and give you a good night’s rest. The positive effect of tart cherry juice on sleep is because of the tryptophan and melatonin in tart cherry juice. Tart cherry juice doesn’t only just help you with sleep it improves muscle recovery, reduces pain, reduces blood pressure, and improves memory and brain health as well. Just make sure you get 100% Tart Cherry Juice.



Limit Caffeine

Caffeine is a great way to wake up your body, but not to relax it. Consuming caffeine is fine, but if you consume it too late in the day it can really affect your sleep. Caffeine can significantly worsen your sleep quality, especially if you drink large amounts in the late afternoon or evening. Some say caffeine doesn’t affect them and that can be true in some ways, but if you have it late in the day there is no doubt that it will affect your sleep cycle and attempt to fall asleep as well. So bottom line, don’t have caffeine after noon, just get decaf!



Turn Off Electronic Devices

This one is one we all know of and most are guilty for. Watching something before bed or scrolling through social media after a long day is something almost everyone in this day in age does. It feels “relaxing” but it actually is not, not for your body and brain at least. By going on your phone or watching TV before bed, you are keeping your brain awake which also then keeps your body awake therefore not letting you sleep as well as you could be. It’s best to turn off any devices at least 30 minutes before bed to let your mind rest, fall asleep quicker, and sleep well.


Try out one of these tips tonight and you’ll thank yourself later! Don’t just get any sleep Seawolves, get some GOOD sleep!

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