Tips For Seasonal Savings

It’s that time of year when the holidays are creeping up and sales are arriving! We all know and (maybe) love Black Friday and Cyber Monday! They are the most iconic sales days of the year! These sales can make you want to splurge more and make you end up spending more because you found things “on-sale”. This can be good to find necessities on sale that you would’ve had to buy at full price, but what about when you start convincing yourself that you need things when you don’t? We want to help YOU this holiday season!



As we all know these two, Black Friday & Cyber Monday, are coming up soon on November 25 & 28, and our first tip is to get PREPARED! The best way you can do this is to MAKE A LIST! Make a list of things you’ve been needing (necessities) and things you are planning to maybe gift to others! Making a list prior will limit you to only the things you “need” to buy rather than seeing deals and going ballistic because it’s a deal and you “need” it. Now, this is where self-discipline comes in. You NEED to stick to that list and ONLY that list when these sales start. First, you’ll need to check if those products are even on sale, but don’t get lost in the other products that aren’t on your list. You’ve made a list for a reason so stick to it!




So like we said, making a list is great, BUT if your list exceeds what you are able to spend then you’ll have to make some priorities. Budgeting yourself is a great way to keep you in check. Don’t spend what you don’t have and don’t exceed what your max is. Most people have a hard time sticking to their budget but that won’t be you because YOU have made a list, priorities, and budgeted your max! Stick to your word and follow the budget you’ve made.




People tend to stick to physical boundaries more often than digital. During these holiday times instead of using your debit or credit card, take out cash and use that as a physical boundary and budget that you can’t max…because you physically can’t. When using cash you have physical limits and you can’t just pay with invisible money and then actually pay it off later. If you have a certain amount of cash with you then you can only spend what you have, simple as that. This also limits the amount of online shopping because online shopping is the number one way people exceed their budget.


Save money this holiday season and stick to your budget Seawolves!

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