The SL Squad's Guide To Surviving Midterms

Midterm season can be a difficult one, so the Seawolf Living Squad is here to share some of our best tips to get you through a season of exams and projects! Take a look at all of our tips to know exactly what you need to do to ace your midterms this semester!


Casey’s Tips

  • Find a study buddy! Classmates, friends and roommates will not only hold you accountable, but your study session will be much more enjoyable.

  • Sleep is crucial! It may seem like a smart idea to cram for midterms until 1 A.M., but your body and brain need some rest.


Matille’s Tips

  • Find a good playlist for studying! This will help you get in the zone and focus on your work.

  • Reward yourself with breaks often and listen to your body for when to stop studying.


Sophia’s Tips

  • Try to get out of your usual study space! Book a study room in the library or go to a coffee shop to switch up your study routine. 

  • Practice self-care! Go outside, take breaks, or get coffee! It's important to break up your study times so you don’t burn yourself out. 


Alexis’s Tips

  • Make sure to fill out your planner so that you know when exams are and projects are due! This will help you get an early start on studying and planning.

  • Be sure to look at the study guide or ask your professors what material would be best to study well before the exam.


Caitlin’s Tips

  • Coffee! Trust me, it does wonders.

  • Take time to get outside and change your scenery for study breaks! If you relax in the same place you study it cannot only drive you crazy, but also make it harder to focus when you’re trying to! 


Valentina’s Tips:

  • Plan out designated time to study for each class. This will help you prioritize what you need to study for first.

  • Go to office hours for extra help from your professors!


Good luck on midterms, Seawolves! You got this!

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