Seawolves Have Spoken: Study Tips For Finals Week

Grab your flashcards, laptop chargers and cups of caffeine because it’s finals week! We know that exams and presentations can be overwhelming, so we’re here to help. We gathered Seawolves’ best study tips for finals week and are sharing their tips and tricks with you!


Tip #1

Make a schedule at the beginning of the week so you don’t get overwhelmed.

girl outside on laptop
students in the library

Tip #2

Color code your notes with highlighters, pens, or post-its to divide topics and ideas.


Tip #3

Meet up with a classmate to talk about the material that will be on the exam.


Tip #4

Utilize the study rooms in the library to focus and limit distractions.


Tip #5

Use a Pomodoro timer to help manage your time and schedule study breaks.

students studying outside

Tip #6

Be sure to bring snacks, a phone and laptop charger, headphones and caffeine to your study session!


Stay positive, work hard and make it happen. Good luck with finals Seawolves and remember, summer is right around the corner!

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