Create the Ultimate College Bucket List

If you are a first-year student wanting to explore or a senior looking for last-minute fun, create a College Bucket List! How do you create one you ask? Well, that’s what we’re here for. Here is our outline for a College Bucket List!



Wanting to head into the city or explore the outskirts of Sonoma? Well, what are you waiting for? Write down your top spots you have been wanting to visit! Make sure once it’s written down, you complete it! Don’t let time slip through your fingers, get out there and explore!




Been wanting to try out some new restaurants or just looking for the best food around the area? Well, research and look at some reviews because you’ve got to put some on your list! What’s a bucket list if there are no food spots on it? Write down anything from dessert spots to the best pizza spots! Whatever your interested in is what should be put down because this is YOUR college bucket list!



A lot of college students tend to stray away from their hobbies due to school work, work, or from the lack of free time. We are challenging you to take more time to focus on YOU and what you love. Love to play sports? Join a team or sign up for intramurals! Love making artwork? Take an art class or get together with friends and have a paint night! Anything you love to do or want to try out, make time for it! Write them down on your bucket list and don’t skip them!




If you’ve got goals for yourself or want to set some, write them down! College can most definitely be hard and we all want to succeed at the end of the day. Take some time to think of goals you have for your college years or for your life! Writing them down is always a good first step, but putting them on your bucket list is even better! You got this and we believe in you!

This bucket list is YOURS and should scream YOU. Go create your college bucket list right now and make it an ULTIMATE one!

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