Cleaning w/ Roommates 101

Living with other people or friends can be hard and challenging sometimes. It is for many reasons, but one reason is always recurring and that is CLEANING. Do your roommates clean up after themselves or do as many chores that you do? Well we’re here to help you out and give you some tips and tricks for cleaning with roommates!



The first step is to get everyone together and to figure out what cleaning tasks should be done, how often, and by who. Putting together a plan like this can be so successful especially if done right. To start, make sure all of your roommates are in agreement of making a schedule/plan before getting started.


First you need to make a list of all the cleaning chores. These should be cleaning tasks that will need to be completed regularly and have a deadline. Whether it’s a daily, weekly or monthly task, setting deadlines that are equal for everyone should alleviate friction in your home.


Then you’ll need to assign each chore to a specific roommate. You can either talk about the ones that each person likes or dislikes and assign from there OR you can rotate tasks each week to have level ground. This is all to make your cleaning schedule as efficient as possible while keeping your space as civil & clean as possible.



Now that you have all agreed and have planned it out, it’s time to put your plan on paper so everyone will know what is expected. Have fun when you create your cleaning checklist and get everyone involved. The more you put into it the more you are going to feel excited and good about the plan. It also might make everyone remember to follow it right off the bat!



This one has been used so many times and has been very effective from what we’ve heard. If you decide to rotate chores weekly this ones for YOU! Write down each chore for the week and assign each person to one. Once they are done, have them check it off so everyone knows it’s done! Once the week is over rotate each person clockwise to a different chore for the week! This can also be done with monthly chores as well! Put the whiteboard in a space where everyone can see it like the refrigerator!



Similar to putting your plan on a whiteboard, if you can’t just make a chart of it! Write down each chore for the week or month and section it off! Assign a person to each one and have them check it off once they are done! You can put this on a planner, piece of paper, or you can get crafty with it and get everyone involved!




Just remember you are all equal and have the same place in your home! Always stay open with communication and if you don’t like how something is working, fix it! At the end of the day you want your place to feel like home and your roommates to feel like family, so just do your best to make everyone feel comfortable! If your nervous to bring it up…send them a link to this blog! YOU GOT THIS!


Hope this helped Seawolves! Go get your roommates, get to work, and pick up that mess!

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