SL: Behind the Brand

Our content here at Seawolf Living is for students, by students! But have you ever wondered who those students ARE? We have 9 wonderful student content creators who help support our brand in different ways.  Meet our team through some questions, and learn a little bit more about what they do here. Let’s dive Behind the Brand with Seawolf Living!

Meet Samantha!

Name: Samantha Warren 

Role at Seawolf Living: At Seawolf Living, I am the Social Media Marketing Content and Analytics Coordinator! I am in charge of posting on Instagram and Facebook, posting posts and stories for both. I am also in charge of Be Real, Fizz, and I started our Pinterest account! I also do all of the social media analytics for each platform and post. 

Your dream career: My dream career is in the Business Marketing realm, and I hope to work my way up to becoming a CEO! 

Best study tip: Best study tip I can give is to make sure your environment you are studying in is clean. I feel that if my area is messy, then my head will also be messy. If you are struggling with motivation for studying, I definitely recommend studying with a friend, it always motivates me! 

Comfort TV show/movie: Definitely Gilmore Girls, even if it is basic haha.

Biggest piece of advice: Do not be afraid to reach out to or talk to other students. Everyone is genuinely so nice, and I promise they are probably just as nervous as you!

Meet Amanda!

Name: Amanda Pohopien

Role at Seawolf Living: Digital Content Creator - I do primarily photography and a bit of graphics and videography for the team!

Your dream career: Touring concert photographer

Best study tip: Listening to house music (trust me, it works)

Comfort tv show/movie: Grey’s Anatomy

Biggest piece of advice: Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! Try all the new food, audition for all the roles, apply to all the jobs, you never know what could happen.

Meet Krista!

Name: Krista Keith

Role at Seawolf Living: I help coordinate our student team in the office, and take the lead on some collaborative projects like SSU Things To Do as well as the Brandbassador Program! I also manage the marketing for our 13 departments by taking in new projects and organizing who tackles what. If you're ever wondering who is behind the SSU Housing or CES socials, that's me too! Some fun tasks I complete consist of posting the digital signage throughout campus, driving the LoboMobile to set out and put away foam signs, add and play music in the dining venues, and track sales data for those dining venues as well! 

Your dream career: Travel Marketing Director for an airline!

Best study tip: Quizlet flashcards

Comfort TV show/movie: Grey’s Anatomy

Biggest piece of advice: Put yourself out there and get involved! Now is the time to step outside of your comfort zone so don't be afraid to try new things!

Meet Leila!

Name: Leila Brown

Role at Seawolf Living: I am the Creative Communications Coordinator! I manage our Seawolf Living website, write our NomaLife blogs, and send out the weekly emails you get from us!

Your dream career: An elementary school teacher (preferably 3rd or 4th grade!) 

Best study tip: Do not study on your bed! Instead, find another place to study. Our brain will associate a certain area with an action and feeling (like “my bed is for sleep and relaxation”) SO instead, find a spot that is designated for studying!

Comfort TV show/movie: My comfort movie would HAVE to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone! I watch it every fall season. 

Biggest piece of advice: GET INVOLVED! It was once I started getting involved here at SSU that I found my community and sense of belonging.

Meet Rowan!

Name: Rowan Winslow

Role at Seawolf Living: Digital Content Creator (DCC) I help with taking photos and editing photos, as well as creating graphics

Your dream career: High School or College English Teacher

Best study tip: If you're having trouble locking in and find yourself wanting to scroll through social media look up video essays on the content so you still get the fun of media but it covers what you need to focus on, also studying with someone else

Comfort TV show/movie: Pitch Perfect 2

Biggest piece of advice: Go out! Go to events and clubs and meet people even when it's scary it's worth it to try something new.

Meet Jenö!

Name: Jenö Duran

Role at Seawolf Living: Social Media Marketing & Video Coordinator. My job entails planning, recording, editing and posting videos such as campus interviews, trends, etc on the SL Instagram and tiktok throughout each week. I also am in charge of coordinating our Takeover Tuesdays, and any live event socials on the IG story. 

Your dream career: Sports Marketing Manager 

Best study tip: Find somewhere quiet and free of distractions when it's time to lock in and get your work done. 

Comfort TV show/movie: 21 Jump Street

Biggest piece of advice: Make the best of every moment, the four years fly by so don't pass up opportunities. 

Meet Jacob!

Name: Jacob Ceron Echeverria 

Role at Seawolf Living: Digital Content Creator, I make all types of videos for seawolf living and for other departments.

Your dream career: National Geographic Filmer

Best study tip: After 40-60 minutes of studying take 5-10 minutes breaks then continue to study

Comfort TV show/movie: Family Guy 

Biggest piece of advice: Focus on balancing you school and social life don't focus on one thing since it will cause inbalances in your life

Meet Kylie!

Name: Kylie Quinley

Role at Seawolf Living: Digital Content Creator

Your dream career: Creative Photographer

Best study tip: making pretty slides with images & notes

Comfort TV show/movie: Hannah Montana

Biggest piece of advice: compliment people, get to know one another

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