Alcohol Poisoning: Know The Signs
Alcohol Awareness week is here, and with that comes some serious topics & conversations. It’s always important to not only watch how much you drink, but also your fellow Seawolves.
Know the signs: Alcohol poisoning & symptoms of it may include:
Slow Breathing (less than 8 breaths a minute)
Blue-tinged skin or pale skin, as well as cold or clammy skin
Low body temperature
Irregular pulse
Lack of physical coordination
Inability to stay conscious
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If you suspect your friend may have alcohol poisoning, whether that be one of the symptoms above, or many of them, it’s best to be cautious and seek medical help.
Here are some tips for how to handle a fellow Seawolf who may have had too much to drink:
Call 911.
Do not leave your friend alone- alcohol poisoning can cause someone to choke on their own vomit and stop their breathing.
If they are vomiting- Keep them sitting up. If the are laying down make sure their head is turned to the side to inhibit choking. Put their arm above their head.
Try to keep the person awake to maintain consciousness.
Always remember, don’t be afraid to get help. The consequences could always be far worse if you don’t get help in time.
Campus Police: 24-hour non-emergency: (707) 664-4444
The on-call RA