Dining Dollars vs. WolfBucks + Labor Day Hours
What’s the difference between Dining Dollars and WolfBucks? Where can I use them?
These are some of the most common questions we hear, and we hope this helps!
Dining Dollars
Can only be used at on-campus dining venues, not including Prelude and Overlook. See the list of locations on the Culinary Services website.
These are included with UNLIMITED and WEEKDAY UNLIMITED meal plans:
Unlimited Meal Plan - $150 per semester in dining dollars
Weekday Unlimited - $50 per semester in dining dollars
Expire at the end of the semester
Can be used at:
All on-campus dining venues, University Store, Campus Prints & Copy Machines, The Rec Center, Seawolf Service Center, Student Center & Green Music Center Box Office
Rolls over from semester to semester and year to year
The Elvis (almond milk, whey protein, vanilla powder, bananas, chocolate, peanut butter)
Monthly Features
September is National Whole Grains Month!
Charlie Brown’s Café Smoothie of the Month: The Elvis
Sip Drink of the Month: Caramel Apple Refresher
Labor Day Hours
Labor Day on Monday, September 2 is just around the corner! The Kitchens will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., but all other on-campus dining venues will be closed.
Written by: Ali Gaul, University Culinary Services