5 Reasons You Should Study Abroad
The idea of studying abroad can seem daunting, exciting, or maybe even out of reach.
We’re here to set the facts straight about studying abroad and have gathered the top 5 reasons studying abroad is for YOU.
1. Personal Growth
Being on your own in another country teaches you a lot about yourself, especially when it comes to independence. College is the best time to 100% focus, explore, and develop deeper into who you are. So what are you waiting for?
2. Learn a New Culture
Studying abroad immerses you into a whole new culture! This is a perfect opportunity to explore the world around you and the different culture you’re in.
3. Lifetime Bonds
Studying abroad in another country where you don’t know anyone really brings you closer to your roommates, whether they are from the U.S. or not. Plus, you’ll be able to make friends from all over the world that you can visit later in life.
4. SSU has an Excellent Program
When you study abroad through the CSU International Program, costs are around the same as SSU. This makes studying abroad affordable and accessible to all. Additionally, the amount of different countries you can go to is vast!
5. Standout on a Resume
Studying abroad will set you apart from other contenders when applying for jobs later in life. Learning a language, or even just experiencing another culture, gives you a leg-up.