SSU Studying Tips

With remote instruction happening now, it’s important to find a place to do you schoolwork that best works for you! We’ve come up with a list on how to get creative with your space to get all your work done efficiently. Check it out!

Designate a Working Space

Whether this be a spot in your room, the living room, or the kitchen, make this space your work space- and limit it to just that!

Create a “Distraction Free Zone”

Keep phones, the TV, and other distractions away during the time you set aside to do classwork. You’ll get done with your work faster and won’t feel overwhelmed from not being able to focus.

Space Out Your Time

It’s easy to fall behind quick in online classes by saving everything until the last minute. Instead, designate a certain amount of time each day to work on your classes! Or split up the classes by day- whatever works best for you!

Facetime a Class Buddy

If you’re struggling with learning in an online-setting reach out to a classmate! They might be able to help, plus it’s comforting to know they are going through the same new type of learning experience that you are.

Check Your Email and Canvas Regularly

To make sure you don’t forget about any deadlines- make it a point to check your SSU email and Canvas for updates.

Work in 2 Hour Chunks When Possible

Space out your work every two hours or so with a break! This could be a snack break, exercise time, stretch & yoga break or even just a walk around the block!

Use Campus Resources!

SSU’s Learning and Academic Resource Center, CAPS, Career Center and Zoom are just some options for campus resources that are available online.

Engage in Self-Care

Whether this be face masks and reading your favorite book, watching an episode of your favorite show, painting, dancing or meditating, be sure to take the time to take care of yourself.

Connect with Others

It can be easy to feel lonely in times like this. Reaching out and calling your friends/loved ones is a good way to help that feeling. Set up a group Zoom with friends, FaceTime your family, or call your best friend. You’ll feel better after.

Plan Remote Study Sessions with Classmates

Figure out a time that works with everyone’s schedule to have online Zoom study sessions! This will help you feel connected and keep you up to date with what’s going on in class.

Move Your Body

Get moving! Go for a walk around the block, a run in your neighborhood or even just move around your house. Be sure to get your body moving in some way, it will help with focus and clear your head.

**If you have further question, check out SSU’s novel coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ page. 

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