A Balanced Spring Break

Oh spring break, how we’ve been waiting for you! We are halfway through the semester which means that it is time to rejuvenate and recharge during the best week of all. Planning your spring break can be tough when you want to squeeze both play and work into your schedule. The key is to balance your time so that you can be productive, while also making memories. Follow along for tips on how you can make the most of your spring break!

1) Organize your assignments

You may want to hit do not disturb on your Canvas app and say goodbye to all of the stresses of the spring semester, but that may not be the best idea. Instead, outline which assignments you may want to get ahead on during break and which ones you’ll save for closer to finals week. Getting organized will make jumping back into schoolwork after break much easier!

2) Make plans with a friend or family member

What better time to reach out to an old friend than during spring break! Plan a coffee date with a family member, or go out to lunch with a friend. It’s a good idea to make plans now so that you have something to look forward to!

Please be sure to follow CDC guidelines to have a safe and happy spring break.


This may be an obvious tip, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. Whether midterms drained your energy, or alarm clocks have been buzzing since January, now is the time to catch up on some much needed sleep!

4) Set goals for the rest of the semester

Small goals and big goals are what is going to help you power through until May! Brainstorm ideas that are attainable and can be achieved during the semester. Once you have come up with your goals, write them down to serve as a reminder everyday!

5) Soak up the sun!

We can all agree that we’ve spent a little too much time inside this year. Now is your chance to explore hiking trails, local beaches, and picnic spots. Getting outside is great for your mind and may be just what you need to recharge!

Please be sure to follow CDC guidelines to have a safe and happy spring break.

6) Take time for yourself

Most importantly, just relax. Take a walk, cook your favorite dinner, or have a movie marathon. Times have been tough and you deserve to take much needed time for yourself!

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