Getting You Ready For The 2021 Career Fest

Preparation is always a key factor in success. We’re here to help you succeed at this year’s Career Fest with 7 tips to complete before the big day! Before meeting with employers, it’s important to spruce up your resume, do your research, and meet with SSU’s Career Center for advice and guidance. The Career Fairs will be here before you know it, so let’s start preparing now!


1) Register on Handshake

Stop! Before you do anything be sure to register for upcoming events on Handshake. Start by logging into your Handshake account (or create a new account) with your Sonoma login. Next, click “events,” and search the term “CareerFest.” The search results will bring you to all of the panels, fairs, and workshops that the Career Center is offering!


2) Refine your resume

Is your resume Career Fest ready? If not, no need to worry! The Career Center is here to help with their resume workshop. Whether you are starting from scratch, or just want to update your experience, the career advisors and specialists are here for you!


3) Update your Handshake profile

Handshake is the platform that employers can view when they are looking for possible candidates for job roles. It is a good idea to update your profile with background information and past job experiences.


4) Research the employers attending

Once you register through Handshake, you’ll have the inside scoop on which company employers are attending each fair. It is a good idea to research the background of each organization and description of the role so that you have more knowledge on who you will be meeting at the fair. 


5) Pick out a professional outfit

This one might not be at the top of your list, but it is still important to look your best for the Career Fest. Business attire such as a blazers, shirts and ties, or button downs are highly recommended so that you stand out to employers!


6) Prepare talking points and questions

It is important to prepare key points that you would like to cover with employers. These notes can be anything from your past experiences in leadership roles, to any questions you may have about a certain company. This will boost your confidence and leave you feeling prepared and ready to tackle your interview!


7) Make an appointment with your advisor

SSU’s advisors are a key resource when it comes to your preparation for the Career Fest. Advisors are here to help with questions and concerns, resume building, and key talking points during interviews. The Career Center has scheduled drop-in hours on April 2 from 10 a.m. - 2p.m.

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