Rise And Shine! 7 Tips To Becoming A Morning Person

For many of us, the sound of our alarm in the morning is the worst part of the day, and getting out of bed seems like the heftiest task there is. What if we told you that mornings can actually be some of the best hours of your day! Turning a night owl into an early bird might seem impossible, but with small changes in your morning routine, you may enjoy the sunrise more than the sunset.

1) Bedtimes Are NOT A Thing Of The Past

Are you getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night? If not, now is the time to start! Setting a designated time to go to bed each night is crucial in your journey of becoming a morning person. Make your bedtime change gradual by starting to go to bed 15 minutes earlier, then 30 minutes, and so on!

2) Wake Up With The Sun

Natural light is good for the soul and is a great way to start your mornings, so leave your blinds open and let the sun shine in! Vitamin D is known to increase serotonin levels and have you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

3) Quit Hitting Snooze

Are you the type of person to set multiple alarms in the morning in hopes that those extra five minutes of sleep will make all the difference? After hitting snooze, it is proven that you are not getting “good” sleep according to your REM cycle. If you’re known to hit the snooze button, try setting a soothing alarm sound to gradually wake up to.

4) Lights Out & Phones Off

It’s a common habit to scroll through Instagram and laugh at TikTok’s before falling sleep, but in order to get a good night’s sleep it’s important to reduce screen time before bed. Try reading a book or journaling instead of getting trapped in your phone screen for hours on end. 

5) It’s All About Routine!

Becoming a morning person doesn’t happen over night. Routine plays a huge part in changing habits and actually sticking with something new. Start by developing a night and morning routine that works with your schedule and is something that you can commit to. Set small goals that are attainable and you’ll be an early bird before you know it!

6) Get Moving Early

You’re probably thinking, I’m supposed to wake up early AND exercise? This may seem like a big task to begin with, but activities like walking and yoga are great to add to your morning routine. Not only is exercising in the A.M. the perfect way to wake up, but you will feel accomplished too!

7) Find Something To Look Forward To In The A.M.

The secret to becoming more of a morning person is to not view waking up early as a punishment. The hours from 6 a.m. - 9 a.m. are perfect for productivity and self care. It is important to find something that makes you WANT to get out of bed in the morning. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a gratitude journal, or a meditation video, find what makes you happy to rise and shine!

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