Let's Start Fall Semester Off On The Right Foot

Happy fall semester, Seawolves! We hope that you had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin or continue your journey at SSU! A new semester means new classes, new connections, and new opportunities. Start your semester off on the right foot by following these tips for college success!


Organize (Everything)

Remember, a cluttered space = a cluttered mind. Start your checklist NOW of school supplies and organization bins and containers so that you're ready to start the semester. Visit the University bookstore for all of your back to school necessities, and don’t forget to order your textbooks too!



Campus Life = The Best Life

Make a vow to yourself this fall semester to spend more time admiring SSU’s beauty and visiting the dining venues, Rec Center, and other facilities that are open for students to utilize. By staying connected to campus, you will find numerous ways to get involved and meet other Seawolves!

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Meet With Advisors And Professors, They Missed You!

Whether your classes meet in Salazar Hall, or you are still chatting with classmates via Zoom, make the most of your class time. The best way to do this is to go to the professor's office hours to introduce yourself and make a great first impression. Academic advisors would love to hear from you too, and are a great resource for questions regarding class changes, resume help, or on-campus job opportunities. The Career Center will also be taking appointments for the fall semester!

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Social Life > Social Media

Put down your phone and get out of your comfort zone! We have all spent too much time cooped up in our rooms to not take advantage of all of the social opportunities that are offered at SSU! Your Instagram feed can wait; explore both virtual and on-campus events, and login to ENGAGE@SSU to find ways you can get involved.

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Don’t Slack on Syllabus Week

“It’s just syllabus week.” Whether we’ve said it, heard it, or merely just thought it, syllabus week should not be put on the back burner. Get acquainted with your classes by reading the syllabus and filling out important dates in your planner for each of your classes; trust me, taking the time to prepare will set you up for success for the rest of the semester!



New Semester, New Friends 

Whether you’re living in one of the housing villages, in an apartment close to campus, or are commuting, it’s time to find your community at SSU. With a new semester, everyone is looking to make new connections. We urge you to find something in common with the classmate in your Zoom breakout room, chat with an unfamiliar face at the Rec, and knock on your neighbors door; you never know the friendships that these small conversations will turn into.



Develop Your New Routine

It’s time to get back in the swing of things! If your summer was filled with late nights and one too many afternoon naps, it’s time to refocus for the fall semester. Developing a new routine can be hard at first, but remember to take care of yourself: sleep, hydrate, and prioritize your mental health.


We are wishing you the best of luck for the fall semester. Remember to follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our weekly emails to find out what’s trending and happening at SSU!

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