Finals Week Tips From The SL Team
Finals week is here Seawolves and we KNOW how stressful of a week it can be. We want you to stay as calm as possible and get all the advice you need to get through finals! We on the Seawolf Living Team have each come up with helpful tips on how YOU can be successful during finals week. So let’s take a look and use these tips for a no-stress vibe during finals week!
“Go to the library! It's a great study spot and it's open 24 hrs during finals week!”
The first floor of the Library is a great spot for peace & quiet and they are staying open 24/7 during finals week, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity! Sometimes it can help clear the mind by changing study areas and the library on campus is just the place for that + late-night study sessions!
“Make sure to take breaks in between studying, balance is key!”
During finals week it can be easy to run yourself into the ground but remember taking breaks is just as important as the final or studying itself. Taking breaks can clear the mind and help you release tension.
“Make a list of everything that is due and prioritize your time by set deadlines and where you happen to need a better grade!”
Making a list can help you organize your week and relieve some stress because you wrote it on paper! It can be easy to forget when certain assignments are due or when exactly your next final is so, write it down! Also, see where you might need to put extra effort in different classes so you can pass them all!
“Use the reward system! Reward yourself AFTER you complete a final or assignment, so you trick your mind into getting things done and not procrastinating!”
Procrastination is so common and especially during finals week! So make sure to get your assignments and study sessions done, but don’t forget to reward yourself! Go get a Starbucks drink, pick up your favorite candy, or scroll on TikTok for 30 mins! Balance is key so taking a break and doing something for yourself is important during these times!
“Make sure to get good rest and SLEEP!”
Sleep is the most important thing to a clear mind, so don’t deprive yourself of it during the most important week of the semester! Get good rest because late-night studying or little to no sleep can actually make your brain even foggier than if you were to have stayed up studying anyway!
“Pace yourself when studying, cramming everything will create more stress and burnout!”
Don’t forget to take breaks, create time for all your assignments, and study sessions, but do not leave it all for the last minute! Cramming is usually a sign of procrastination so don’t fuel the fire and instead, pace yourself!
We wish you a stress free finals week and a great break Seawolves!