Seawolves On A Budget
Managing your money wisely during college is a big deal. One thing is certain—college students will do anything to save money! So let us share some tips about how YOU can save money throughout your college experience between food, things to do around the area, and more!
As a college student on a budget, hiking is the perfect free activity! It’s an awesome opportunity to escape the campus environment, breathe in fresh air, and recharge your brain! And you don't even need to pay for memberships or equipment rentals. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes, a water bottle, and your hiking buddy. Be sure to take a picture of that beautiful scenery!
Check out a few great local hiking spots such as:
Taylor Mountain Regional Park, Crane Creek Canyon Trail, and North Sonoma Mountain Regional Park
There are plenty of beautiful, scenic areas around Sonoma County, so what better way to spend your afternoon than by snacking on your favorite treats and enjoying the outdoors? Picnics can be as low-budget as you want! Pack what you already have in the fridge/pantry or maybe you make a quick Trader Joe’s run to pick up a few reasonably priced favorites! Either way, you have a budget-friendly activity to do with your roommates or friends at your fingertips!
Outdoor markets are a great free activity to check out in your spare time! They are one of those activities/events where you don’t even need to pull out your wallet! Take a stroll around the booths, do some “window” shopping, and enjoy the atmosphere of a fun environment with live music, handmade items, quality food, and more!
Here are a few we think you should check out:
Rohnert Park Night Friday Market
Cotati Community Farmer’s Market
Santa Rosa Community Farmer’s Market
When you purchase a meal plan, you don’t have to worry about checking your bank account balance before a meal. The Kitchens is an all-you-care-to-eat venue that features many different cuisines daily. You can save money on your favorite food and drinks by getting a plan that fits your schedule and budget!
Don’t have a meal plan? Well, no need to worry, Culinary Services has created an SSU spirit day on Fridays where if you wear your SSU gear you will get 20% off your order! So stop by and enjoy a delicious meal that fits your budget.
Lobo’s Pantry is an on-campus food pantry operated by the Associated Students here at SSU! Lobo’s Pantry provides FREE food and hygiene products to ALL Sonoma State students. Any student can shop in the pantry once a week with their SSU ID (which is required). So our word of advice would be to take a look at Lobo’s Pantry before you hit the grocery store, because you’ll never know what you’ll find that might just be on your list!
Grocery Outlet: Grocery Outlet offers a wide range of products at discounted prices. As college students who often have limited budgets, we can find a bunch of affordable options for groceries and daily essentials at G.O.!
Walmart: Walmart is a one-stop shop for everyday essentials! From food and toiletries to school supplies and dorm room necessities, it’s all there at a budget-friendly cost!
Trader Joe’s: Trader Joe’s is one of those places where you can strike gold! They offer a variety of foods inspired by cuisines from around the world, organic products, and innovative snacks! Trader Joe's also has a variety of ready-to-eat meals, frozen foods, and easy-to-prepare options, making it convenient for students with busy schedules and limited cooking utensils.
We hope this helped you out with sticking to your budget, Seawolves!