Exams, Essays & Presentations... We're Here To Help

With finals around the corner, we may all be in the same overwhelming boat, but the source of stress may be coming from different places. Whether you have a 10 page essay to write, a timed multiple choice exam, or a final presentation with group members, we’re here to give YOU tips on how to be successful. One piece of advice for finals no matter what you have on your plate is to start now! For more insider tips, keep reading below.


The Secrets To Mastering Your Final Exam 

  1. Take the time to make effective study materials 

    Whether it’s flashcards, rewriting notes, or making up a song, do whatever you need to do to memorize the material.

  2. Block off study times 

    It is important to block off times to study and times to take a break. Utilize your planner to block off these times so that you stay nice and organized!

  3. Find a classmate and quiz each other

    Study buddies make finals so much easier! Find a classmate or friend in your class and go over the material together before the test day.

  4. Read the instructions and expectations before test day

    This may seem obvious, but be sure to look over the test requirements 1-2 days prior, so that you have time to grab a scantron, pencil, or gather any study guides that you may be allowed to use.


Presentation? No Problem! 

  1. Communication is key 

    If you have a group project this finals season be sure to communicate with all group members. Delegating the workload will help you know what exactly you’re responsible for. 

  2. Do your research 

    Be sure that all of the information in your presentation is backed by research or past knowledge. The more you dig into the topic, the more familiar you will be with the material.

  3. Practice, practice, practice 

    Go over your powerpoint or speech a few times a day to ensure that you have fully grasped the material. Practicing will make your presentation go much smoother!

  4. Be confident!

    Public speaking can be intimidating, but remember to be confident in all of the work that you’ve put in. Be proud and be confident in your topic!


The Guide To Pressing Submit On Your Essay 

  1. Look at the grading rubric 

    Before you begin writing, look at the grading rubric to know exactly what the professor is expecting. This will also help you formulate an outline for your paper.

  2. Make an outline 

    Taking the time to make an outline instead of just beginning to type out your thoughts is crucial for a successful essay. Write out your introduction, conclusion, and main idea topics first.

  3. Break it up, paragraph by paragraph

    Sitting down to write an entire essay is a daunting task. Try breaking your paper up paragraph by paragraph so you don’t get burnt out! 

  4. Have a friend read over your paper once it's finished 

    A second pair of eyes is always beneficial before you click submit. Have a friend, family member or tutor read over your paper; they may catch something you might’ve missed!


We know that finals can be stressful, but you’ve got this! If you need help preparing or grasping material, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professor, advisor, or other resource at SSU; they all want you to succeed!

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