"I'd Love To..." In 2022

New Years resolutions can be intimidating, difficult and downright daunting. We’re here to turn your goals and aspirations for 2022 into something exciting and achievable! Want to learn more? Keep reading below for how to create an “I’d Love To” list for the upcoming year!


What Is An “I’d Love To” List?

Instead of deciding on one statement or goal that you’d like to accomplish in 2022, why not make a list of things you’d love to do instead? A love list is a compilation of activities, changes in routine, or bucket list items for the year. You’ll want to write out your love list on a piece of paper or in the Notes app on your phone so that you can refer to it at any point. The beauty of an “I’d Love To” list is that you can change, modify or add to it as the year moves along!

What Should I Include In My List?

There are no limitations or rules to your “I’d Love To” list; all you have to do is begin! Find a quiet and comfortable space, pour your favorite cup of tea or coffee, and get to writing. Your list may include ways to improve your mental health, physical goals, or simple habits that you would like to implement into your daily life. Check out some specific examples to add to your list below!

“I’d Love To” Examples…

  • Go to a yoga class

  • Read one chapter of a book before bed

  • Take a road trip once a month

  • Meditate for 5 minutes each morning

  • Get to know my classmates

  • Learn a new language

  • Join a sports team

  • Start journaling

  • Ace all of my classes this semester

  • Learn how to cook a new dish

We hope that you take the time to compile all of the things that you would love to do in 2022! Let us know what’s at the top of your list in the comments below!

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