Seawolves Have Spoken: Valentine's Day Favorites

Valentine’s Day is a time to show love to those that we appreciate most. Your day may be filled with chocolate covered strawberries, rom-com movies with your roommates, or going out to dinner with your significant other. Whatever it may be, we hope that you have a fun Valentine’s Day! Let’s check out all of YOUR favorite things about the holiday through the Seawolf Living Instagram Stories!

What’s Your Favorite Type Of Chocolate?


Are You Staying In Or Going Out This Valentine’s Day?

Staying In: 68%

Going Out: 32%

What’s Your Favorite Rom-Com?


What’s for Dessert?

Chocolate Covered Strawberries: 80%

Chocolate Cupcakes: 20%

What are Your Plans this Valentine’s Day?

  • Making a charcuterie board with my roommates.

  • Having a picnic and watching the sunset!

  • Having a Skype date.

  • Treating myself!

  • Eating homemade sushi and chocolate covered strawberries!

  • Going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

  • Attending a cooking class!

We hope that you all have a fun and relaxing Valentine’s Day and enjoy your favorites all day long!

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